Thursday, January 22, 2009

We The People: A National Referendum Mechanism

President Obama has encouraged all of us to 'get involved', and to express our ideas, opinions and priorities directly to him and his staff; he intends to employ new internet technologies to make this feasible. However, in the most recent interactive effort at "" site, it was very clear to information professionals that the implementation was seriously flawed; we posted our suggestions and do hope that he can employ some skilled technologists now (computer software designers, statisticians, and human-factors/polling experts).

Such a properly re-designed website would be a great informal mechanism for government to be more aware of and responsive to 'we the people'. Regular statistical summaries of results (and responses by officials) should be quickly posted for us to see.

Beyond that, I want to propose that a more formal mechanism be instituted, somewhat along the lines of 'popular referendums' at the State level. It would be administered by a cooperative legislative-executive 'Popular Referendum Agency' setup in a manner to assure reasonable independence from political pressure and resistance to fraud. Voters would be US citizens who choose to qualify and be registered. Presentation of issues and voting could then be implemented at a secure internet site.

Of course, for some initial development period, the results would be limited in force (advisory); but after the mechanism design and implementation are tested and confirmed, there should be some levels of 'legally-binding', depending on the type of issue addressed. The process would be something like this:

1) with some input from the informal mechanism (website, pollsters, senior executive officials and legislators), a 'votable-referendum-issue' statement would be formulated. This statement would be composed of something like:
(a) definition: a brief description of the problem issue
(b) motivation: why this issue is considered important
(c) facts: a balanced, moderately-detailed analysis of the known facts of the issue
(d) acts: a list of proposed solutions, with brief expert pro & con commentary
(e) 'The Proposed Ballot' composed of:
(1) Importance Measure ('vote' of 0..10, where 0 is least important).
(2) for each item in (d) solution-list ('vote' of 'confidence in' = 0..10).
(3) Objections: free-form text whereby voter can briefly express objections/suggestions, especially if he feels the entire formulation of the issue is misleading.

(x) Legal-Binding-Level-Category: {Advisory-Only; Mandate Executive-Branch Action; Mandate Legislative-Branch Consideration; Legally-Binding-subject-to-Presidential-veto; ... }

I'd like to illustrate with some referendum-worthy examples (obviously biased to my personal priorities):

[[1]] The Iraq war. Solutions: [1] Immediate termination by unilateral withdrawal of US forces. [2] Unconditional gradual withdrawal during max 1 year [3] Conditional withdrawal measured by level of enemy attacks vs.proven ability of current government. [4] Long-term occupation with consent of current government. ...

[[2]] The Afghan war. Solutions: [1] Immediate termination by unilateral withdrawal of US forces. [2] escalate by increasing military to a max of 3x current level ...

[[3]] Banking Financial Crisis. Solutions: [1] provide 'bail-out' funding to selected large banks identifed as 'too big to fail', to a max of $X trillion [2] temporarily nationalize all banks identified as insolvent [3] create an alternate banking system dominated by a non-private (US Treasury) National Central Bank, which will assume the assets and duties of the current Federal Reserve and all identified insolvent private banks.

[[4]] Federal Funding Crisis. Solutions: [1] continue using traditional methods. [2] Employ only 'money-creation' by a National Central Bank, which will eliminate the need for federal taxes of any kind, nor interest-bearing Treasury Debt.

[[[[[ and all the other issues listed in my blogs... ]]]]]]

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

War is Just Plain Wrong

No plan for recovery from our economic crisis will succeed while we are still under the moral and financial debt of these wars we ourselves started... Are all we who have chosen our own personal comfort over the profound suffering of distant foreigners-- truly guiltless ? 'innocent victims' of terrorism? not responsible?
We can and should take responsibility for...

A Decent Foreign Policy, that is consistent with our domestic democratic and peaceful traditions, that is a balance of the ideal and the pragmatic, that includes an appropriate degree of humility for our global superpower status, and that communicates respect for and cooperation with those who share our most fundamental values despite differences -- and,
unequivocably rejecting pre-emptive/retaliatory warfare.

>Quickly end the wars that we have started ; they are morally wrong, of no benefit, and too expensive in terms of dollars, loss of good will in the world and incalculable human suffering.
>No plan for recovery from our economic crisis will succeed while we are still under the moral and financial debt of these wars. A peaceful prosperity is the way to National Security.
>Learn from History. Example, Afghanistan: Russia's invasion in the 1980s was met by USA covert aid to the Afghan opposition, resulting in the devastating collapse of the Russian Soviet Union; we can humbly consider that the reverse scenario could occur now, to our great detriment and to Russia's great amusement.
>Withdraw US Military presence from all foreign locations; end military supply sales/grants to all foreign buyers/beneficiaries.
>Re-design US Military for primary domestic-defense needs; eliminate the vast excesses and duplications; merge ‘Department of Homeland Security’ with ‘Department of Defense’.
>Re-establish real Constitutional Congressional restraints on Presidential military adventures.
>Treat so-called ‘terrorists’ as criminal cartels; deal with them within the existing and enhanced international criminal justice system, the U.N., and peace-keeping organizations and treaties.
>Reduce our enemies by ending biased support of certain controversial nations (such as Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia/Kuwait, Israel): adopt equitable neutrality.
>Reduce our temptation to war by eliminating excessive foreign resource dependence.

Americans in general are most naive in their belief about their country's 'good intentions'; as antidote, we recommend 2 books with similar titles, both by patriots who still care:
"Rogue Nation" by Clyde V. Prestowitz
"Rogue Nation" by Peter Scowen
For a reality-check on the true cost of war to ourselves (as the perpetrators):
(CMN Radio Interview: Doug Rokke: Uranium Weapons, Troop Illness and Death)
For examples of how a 'national crisis' may be fabricated to justify war:
(Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Vietnam)
(US World Trade Center destruction, aka "9/11 Terror Attack")
(Iraq War alleged rationale)

There is a strong connection between Foreign Policy and Domestic Economy; we're not immune from the cause-and-effect. Beginning with the 'military-industrial complex' warned against by President Eisenhower, the progressive expansion of overt war, and especially 'CIA black-budget' covert aggressive policies, has systematically corrupted our democracy. Devotion to war can never be compatible with a free and open society; as more injustice is tolerated, belief in goodness cannot survive, cynicism prevails, atrocities are committed under cover of secrecy, and the heart of the nation dies. In the end, the Land of the Free becomes by stealth, imperceptibly, the Home of the Slave.

Every citizen is complicit here; those who know it is wrong, yet opt for personal comfort, who fail to speak out, who deny and surrender their power, are all the more culpable.

Note to all you patriot Christians-- Galatians 6:7-10
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity,
let us do good to all men.... AMEN.

Crisis Overload: Global Warming as Hot Air

How do you feel these days? What seems the predominate social mood-- of the people around you, the people of your nation, the people of the world? Let me guess: "Uneasy" (at best)... or for many, "Overwhelmed".... or even "On the Brink of Collapse". And what emotions seem to predominate? likely, Fear and Anger.

Many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless succession of crises of unprecedented global magnitude. There is the current financial meltdown which affects most of us; the threat of war and terrorism whether it be from muslim radicals or NorthKorean paranoids; the threat of pandemic diseases of either natural or man-made agents; and beyond that, the threat of an ecological meltdown in the form of 'Global Warming/ Climate Intensification'. Any of these, and especially a combination all at once, could easily devastate us beyond comprehension.

Today I assert that it is quite rational to feel overwhelmed! Given the high probability of disasters of multiple types, and the fragility of our modern globally-dependent society, it is less rational to deny the urgency. It is an appropriate time to face the facts about ourselves as individuals and collectively. Rather than be diverted by focusing separately on one problem or another, it is most intelligent to identify (if possible) a 'root cause', and addressing that, a 'common solution' to the various crises.

I further assert that there is a simple 'root cause': 'us'... that is, we 'homo sapiens' (better named 'homo sophomores') are the common element in all these problems. That should be obvious to all; I'm just postulating a conscious 'heroic response' to this truth.

I assert that it is both necessary and fortunate, given that several of the above-named 'secondary symptoms' of the root problem have become so intractable (un-solvable) in themselves. We are in fact overwhelmed. It is in this sense 'our last chance' to make a concerted attempt to surmount the two aspects of us-as-the-problem: (1) our quantity (2) our quality. This 'root approach' I assert, is no more intractable than the sum of the major secondary symptoms, so its difficulty (or seeming impossibility to solve) is not relevant. We must; so let's assume we can.

(1) QUANTITY: There are very much too many of us on the planet. As an initial goal, let's suppose this: 4 million of us would be an acceptable load for this planet; so we need a fair plan to achieve a 1000:1 reduction as quickly as it be humane. Following that, we need a system to maintain the population prosperously within bounds. My first draft: 20 cities globally-distributed in safe, convenient locations. Each would start with 200,000 people, grow during a century to 1,000,000; then a 5:1 reduction would be done, making a sustainable 100-year (3-generation) cycle. On that scale, a model city can be designed with utmost skill and carefulness, to be dynamic yet stable, an enjoyable home for all.

In stark simplicity, we ought to admit that in economic/ ecological terms, we humans are animals, and we need to manage ourselves analogously to 'domestic husbandry'. This does not preclude a humane, fair and intelligent process to achieve the goal. It is not hard to imagine some reasonable-not-perfect set of criteria for selecting 'the few' (initially 0.1%, then 20% each century) who would be the new 'seed' stock for humanity (including physical/mental/emotional/social/genetic-diversity measures of excellence). Of course, given the (2) problem, it is indeed a difficult task. As a motivation, we may assert that this reduction is likely to occur via natural planetary or cosmic processes if we fail to do it ourselves; and those unsentimental processes would probably not be perceived as gentle nor just.

(2) QUALITY: ie, 'the dark side of human nature'.
I would divide this immediately into two sub-topics:

(2A): The current 'power-wealth elite' who effectively control the resources of the planet and the rest of the human population to a large extent; whose primary intent is in practice to maintain their advantage, and who consider the rest of us to be merely slaves: stupid, unworthy, and expendable.

(2B): The rest of us. I assert that we are the key: The only way to achieve a happy, sustainable humanity. That is, to take radical responsibility for ourselves, to radically reject blame (in the form of resentment of the elite, and aggression against our fellow commoners), and to decisively become peaceful and happy with a much simpler life. A good summary expression for this is: We can and must radically raise our compassionate consciousness, and disavow our egos. In that reality, the (2A) become powerless and irrelevant, not a threat; they can then choose to happily join us in our cooperative venture. Impossible? for example, ask the Amish.

Again as a motivation, we can assert that unless 'the rest of us' choose this way, then we will fulfill the expectation of the 'power elite', and they will prevail. Very probably, they are already working their own plan of (1), with themselves of course the new 'seed' for a reduced human presence on this long-suffering planet.

Some may consider this a utopian foolishness, or else unduly harsh. Perhaps, but the improbable is not impossible; time will tell -- in some moment before 2012, any and all of us may awake one morning in a very good mood, ready willing and able.

Humanitaria : One Planet, One People

Humanitaria : One Planet ("Love it or leave it ?")
United-Living-Beings :: Abundant-Earth-Cooperative :: Humanitaria

Seres-Vivos-Unidos :: Coopertiva-Tierra-Abundante :: Humanitaria

Humanitaria'n Initial Projects:

1) Declaration of Motive and Intention
2) Statement of Consensus
3) Constitution in Principle
4) Constitution in Practice
5) OMish: the Official Language of Humanitaria
6) Anthem: “ !OM! - my - GOD ! “ ;-)

1) Declaration of Motive and Intention

We the People of Planet Earth have become conscious of our failure to live a sustainable life of peace and harmony amongst ourselves, our fellow living beings, and the planetary environment on which we all depend.

We believe that our societies and our planet are rapidly approaching a point of fatal degradation; that previous and current efforts to prevent this are woefully inadequate; and thus it is our individual and collective responsibility to immediately pause from our non-essential activities, and to seriously, compassionately, and effectively face this reality.

We pledge our commitment to a peaceful, respectful, and diligent process of cooperative effort to achieve a lasting solution.
We will resist any internal or external forces, ego, pride or prejudice that would distract or deter us from this goal.
We will welcome the assistance of our fellow humans and all other good beings who may come to help us.
We recognize that there are powerful opponents, but we resolve to not confront them as enemies, not be drawn into their ways, but rather to focus on our common positive goal and trust in the protection of our allies.

We recognize that the belief in our vulnerability to lack, the perceived threat that we will be deprived of what we need -- amplified by our consequent fear -- is the root of our historical aggressiveness and destructiveness.
We therefore commit to simplify our lives, to reduce perceived needs, to be ready and willing to share and sacrifice fairly.
We resolve to trust that we, our fellows, our planet, and our universe shall provide for all, just what we need for happiness.
We affirm the power of good in ourselves, in and beyond this world, to overcome whatever obstacles we encounter.
We look forward in full consciousness to a creative, abundant and peaceful life on this restored and lovely planet.

2) Statement of Consensus (on Objectives, Basic Principles of Method and Process)

[rough draft]
Principles of Method:
0) Simplicity (in the spiritual as well as practical senses)
1) the Power of Pure Intention
2) Cooperative Groups, not Rigid Hierarchies
3) regular/habitual individual/group practices to avoid distraction from goal
(ie, to become and remain Awake/Conscious, 'at ease'/not fearful...)
4) skills for patient and respectful consensus-building (& conflict-resolution)
5) commitment to balance of unity and diversity
6) "think global, act local"

[... etc etc TBD ...]

3) Constitution in Principle

OMish : A Proposed Planetary Language

United-Living-Beings :: Abundant-Earth-Cooperative :: Humanitaria
Seres-Vivos-Unidos :: Coopertiva-Tierra-Abundante :: Humanitaria
OMish : The Common Human Language : Official Language of Humanitaria

Design Goals:
1) Utility
2) Simplicity
3) Beauty

1) 3-Concentric-Sphered organization-partitioning (vocabulary & grammar-syntax):
[1] Core / Basic
[2] Typical / Common
[3] Elaborate / Specialty(s)
[4] (? Extreme-Specialties as 'moons' ?)

2) Congruent multi-modal representations
[0] vocabulary/semantics=1 set of concepts & relations; various modes of expression:
[1] vocal-audible (speech)
[2] manual-visible (hand-signing)
[3] iconic-visible (ideographic-symbolic-script / writing-reading)
[4] tactile (braille-analogous) [coordinate with [3]?]
[5] digital (for efficient computer-storage/processing)

3) Optimized for easy (and automated) comprehension and expression (+computer/AI usage)
[1] phonemes/gestures/icons sets chosen for ease of recognition & production
[2] vocab/syntax biased so that most-frequently-used = most-succinctly-represented
[3] simple gramar representable/parsable by uncomplicated computer software
[4] 1:1 concept:vocabulary mapping (no homonymns/synonyms in the Core&Typical)
[5] minimized semantic ambiguity (prohibited in the Core ?&Typical?)
[6] non-essential emotional/feeling expressive modals (prohibited in the Core)
[7a] ?Core subset conformed to math/logic system(s) (eg: 1st-order predicate logic)?
[7b] ?Core subset fit for basis of a universal 'computational (programming) language'?

4) Lovely, meaningful components and fibonnaci/fractal/hologramatic relations/structure
[1] pleasing to the ear and eye
[2] resonant to deep harmonic/rhythmic pleasure centers of psyche
[3] facilitating-inspiring poetic/artistic/musical expression
[4] congruent with primal/ancient spiritual/religious archetypes/symbolisms
[5] semantics/metaphor biased to 'positive good', best-of-tradition moral/ethical attitudes
[6] initial basic,elemental set of wisdom-aphorisms within the Typical sphere

Strategy to Promote OMish:
1) Design it with a compelling utility and ease that motivates universal consensual adoption
2) Set the Core content to provide the minimal essential cross-cultural business functionality
3) Advocate separate native-natural-language retention to satisfy ongoing tribal/cultural preferences
4) Harness contemporary 'world-cultural' trends/mechanisms/organizations to propagate it rapidly
5) Secure enthusiast funding of uncopyrighted translations of old (and authorship of new) works.
6) Provide an internet-based 'wiki-OMish' to coordinate publishing of and standardized-evolution of it.
7) Pray for Peace
! OM !

'Too Big to Fail' and other myths... NOT

How do you feel these days? What seems the predominate social mood-- of the people around you, the people of your nation, the people of the world? Let me guess: "Uneasy" (at best)... or for many, "Overwhelmed".... or even "On the Brink of Collapse". And what emotions seem to predominate? likely, Fear and Anger.

Many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless succession of crises of unprecedented global magnitude. There is the current financial meltdown which affects most of us; the threat of war and terrorism whether it be from muslim radicals or NorthKorean paranoids; the threat of pandemic diseases of either natural or man-made agents; and beyond that, the threat of an ecological meltdown in the form of 'Global Warming/ Climate Intensification'. Any of these, and especially a combination all at once, could easily devastate us beyond comprehension.

Today I assert that it is quite rational to feel overwhelmed! Given the high probability of disasters of multiple types, and the fragility of our modern globally-dependent society, it is less rational to deny the urgency. It is an appropriate time to face the facts about ourselves as individuals and collectively. Rather than be diverted by focusing separately on one problem or another, it is most intelligent to identify (if possible) a 'root cause', and addressing that, a 'common solution' to the various crises.

I further assert that there is a simple 'root cause': 'us'... that is, we 'homo sapiens' (better named 'homo sophomores') are the common element in all these problems. That should be obvious to all; I'm just postulating a conscious 'heroic response' to this truth.

I assert that it is both necessary and fortunate, given that several of the above-named 'secondary symptoms' of the root problem have become so intractable (un-solvable) in themselves. We are in fact overwhelmed. It is in this sense 'our last chance' to make a concerted attempt to surmount the two aspects of us-as-the-problem: (1) our quantity (2) our quality. This 'root approach' I assert, is no more intractable than the sum of the major secondary symptoms, so its difficulty (or seeming impossibility to solve) is not relevant. We must; so let's assume we can.

(1) QUANTITY: There are very much too many of us on the planet. As an initial goal, let's suppose this: 4 million of us would be an acceptable load for this planet; so we need a fair plan to achieve a 1000:1 reduction as quickly as it be humane. Following that, we need a system to maintain the population prosperously within bounds. My first draft: 20 cities globally-distributed in safe, convenient locations. Each would start with 200,000 people, grow during a century to 1,000,000; then a 5:1 reduction would be done, making a sustainable 100-year (3-generation) cycle. On that scale, a model city can be designed with utmost skill and carefulness, to be dynamic yet stable, an enjoyable home for all.

In stark simplicity, we ought to admit that in economic/ ecological terms, we humans are animals, and we need to manage ourselves analogously to 'domestic husbandry'. This does not preclude a humane, fair and intelligent process to achieve the goal. It is not hard to imagine some reasonable-not-perfect set of criteria for selecting 'the few' (initially 0.1%, then 20% each century) who would be the new 'seed' stock for humanity (including physical/mental/emotional/social/genetic-diversity measures of excellence). Of course, given the (2) problem, it is indeed a difficult task. As a motivation, we may assert that this reduction is likely to occur via natural planetary or cosmic processes if we fail to do it ourselves; and those unsentimental processes would probably not be perceived as gentle nor just.

(2) QUALITY: ie, 'the dark side of human nature'.
I would divide this immediately into two sub-topics:

(2A): The current 'power-wealth elite' who effectively control the resources of the planet and the rest of the human population to a large extent; whose primary intent is in practice to maintain their advantage, and who consider the rest of us to be merely slaves: stupid, unworthy, and expendable.

(2B): The rest of us. I assert that we are the key: The only way to achieve a happy, sustainable humanity. That is, to take radical responsibility for ourselves, to radically reject blame (in the form of resentment of the elite, and aggression against our fellow commoners), and to decisively become peaceful and happy with a much simpler life. A good summary expression for this is: We can and must radically raise our compassionate consciousness, and disavow our egos. In that reality, the (2A) become powerless and irrelevant, not a threat; they can then choose to happily join us in our cooperative venture. Impossible? for example, ask the Amish.

Again as a motivation, we can assert that unless 'the rest of us' choose this way, then we will fulfill the expectation of the 'power elite', and they will prevail. Very probably, they are already working their own plan of (1), with themselves of course the new 'seed' for a reduced human presence on this long-suffering planet.

Some may consider this a utopian foolishness, or else unduly harsh. Perhaps, but the improbable is not impossible; time will tell -- in some moment before 2012, any and all of us may awake one morning in a very good mood, ready willing and able.

Is it an Emergency (yet)? Economic Disaster Relief

There is exactly one simple way to 'get ahead of the curve' of this deflationary crash, for a quick recovery:
Give both Consumers and Businesses plenty of extra money to spend... by suspending all USA federal taxation immediately. No joke. That includes corporate income tax, individual income tax, estate and gift tax, and 'Social Security' tax. See my previous posts. It will work (yes, assuming The Wars are also ended).

But in case that is not done... National Emergency Acts.
Three other more ambitious actions may be called for if the current financial crisis deepens. Both aim to establish some humanity, calm predictability, and fiscal stimulus in the economy; they complement in the same spirit as the already-approved extension of unemployment aid.

1) a 'National Emergency Collective Bankruptcy' Act.
Rather than forcing millions of individuals and small businesses through the normal bankruptcy court proceedings which would overwhelm the system and drag on for years, define a set of uniform criteria that can be applied administratively and categorically (such as: for cases involving less than $100000 debt and at most one family home, set a fair interest rate, mandate that creditors accept interest-only payments for a given time period; and convert adjustable-rate loans to a specified low-interest fixed-term; etc). There is a good chance that this would be sufficient to enable the majority of persons and businesses now at-risk for catastrophic bankruptcy, to continue as productive economic citizens, to the benefit of creditors also.
[For an expert plan specific to mortgages, see: MortgageProfessor(Jack Guttentag/Igor Roitburg)


2) a 'National Emergency Retirement' Act.
The large population group who are close to retirement age are particularly vulnerable at this point when unemployment is rampant and the value of their personal savings has been decimated by the investment market crash. With intense competition from younger workers for scarce jobs, the older ones are very unlikely to ever be able to find new employment to compensate, and many may be left destitute. As a solution, eliminate the current Social Security scheme of 'early retirement', and instead reduce the 'full retirement' age by 10 years (from 67 to 57) -- at least until the general investment market index values have recovered to their year 2000 peak adjusted for inflation (which could take another 10 years, based on prior national experiences). Persons still financially secure would opt to defer retirement until older. The Social Security Trust Funding is sufficient to cover this emergency, although it would hasten the generally accepted need to reform the system. An optional implementation would be to allow the 'early retirer' to choose some limited number of years to 'move forward' his reception of Social Security funds, allowing time for the remnant of his personal savings investments hopefully to recover and grow, at which point he could suspend the Social Security payments. An even simpler option: Allow a zero-interest loan advance up to $500 per month; after reaching the retirement age, the received payments would be deducted that same amount for the same number of months, thus repaying the loan.

3) a 'National Emergency Central Bank' Act.
We propose that a large part of what is now 'private banking' and also the semi-private 'Federal Reserve System' belong more safely in a true democratic National Central Bank, integrated with the US federal Treasury. Rather than donating trillions of dollars to large private banks of dubious competence/honesty...
The rationale is given in some of my other posts (see "'Too Big to Fail' ? NOT" and "What Is Money?").
To summarize:
(1) 'Money' is to be defined as a Service, exclusively provided by the Government.
(2) Most government funding is properly done by the simple act of 'Money-Creation'.
Some of this can be provided by the interest on loans made to the private sector by the Central National Bank; the rest, by direct federal spending of created money.
(3) Most forms of Taxation are therefore inefficient, unnecessary, and oppressive.
(4) Interest-paying U.S. Treasury Debt of all forms can and should be replaced with non-interest-bearing National Central Bank 'Certificates of Deposit'. Such deposits by any global users of U.S. Dollars will reduce/delay the need for Money-Creation.It will also encourage very large holders (like China) to allow their currency to float and to diversify into other currencies than US Dollar, which is a good thing for a safe/robust global economy (isn't China 'too big too fail'?).
(5) The private banking sector should be only small 'retail' banking services, and the FDIC limits be reduced accordingly (such as $10000 rather than 100000). The federal monopoly on 'no-risk' Certificates of Deposit ensures the feasibility of government funding, and demands that depositors to private banks knowingly bear the risk (presumably in return for receiving higher interest payments from those banks).

[see also:

